Milwaukee Area Technical College

Program Director: Wendy Ostrander , MEd, RHIA
Program Phone: (920) 745-0181
Program Email:
Content Delivery: Online
Program Level: Associate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Initial
Last Accreditation Date: 12/21/2020
Next Review Cycle: 2027-2028

Accreditation Actions

March 2021 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation.
December 2020 Accreditation Action: Grant seven years of Continuing Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following 2012 Standards:
The following Standards are Partially Met:
Standard 4. Program Goals. While the most recent revisions indicate additional detail and movement in the right direction, further work is needed to link the stated goal, target outcomes, steps to achieve and persons responsible for each goal so that a clear plan is in place. Results where available and analysis of results with action plan is needed.
Standard 5. Curriculum Goal. As of Sept. 2020, the Curriculum goal and target outcome are on the right track, but the plan to achieve this goal is not clear. Further, Analysis and Action Plan should address results of the PC/Faculty curriculum review; “Students will achieve 79% or better on assessments given for each ELC” does not do that, does not seem related to this goal. There are no results of curriculum review to date or a plan for analysis of results when these results become available.
Standard 7. Students and Graduates Goal. As stated in the Sept. 2020 PEP, the goal is appropriate for graduates, however, the accompanying target outcome and steps to achieve reference students: “100% of program students will pass the RHIT mock examination prior to program graduation”. Analysis and Action Plan refers to a student skills survey with no step to achieve goal. Results and relevant analysis/action plan are not shown.
Standard 9. Advisory Community Requirement Goal. As of Sept. 2020, the Advisory Committee goal is on the right track, but target outcomes and plan to achieve need further editing for clarity. There are no results to date. If not, indicate what plan is in place for analysis of results when these results become available.
Standard 24. The Curriculum. The following Curriculum Competencies remain Not Met: V.C.1., V.D.2. These following Curriculum Competencies remain Partially Met: I.A.2., I.A.4., I.B.4., III.F.1., IV.A.2., V.A.1., V.A.2., V.B.1., V.B.2., VI.D.2., VI.G.1., VI.G.2., VI.G.3., VI.H.2., VI.H.3., VI.H.4., VI.I.1., VI.J.1.
While the program’s initial response indicated plans to address curricular deficiencies with respect to the not-met and partially-met competencies, descriptions did not provide sufficient detail to fully evaluate compliance with competency content and/or taxonomic level of assessment in most instances. Implementation dates (actual or planned) were not stated.
Standard 26. Curriculum Syllabi and Competencies. AHIMA HIM entry-level Curriculum Competencies were not included in each HIM professional course syllabus. This was seen on review of course materials. For example, competency V.C.1 is mapped to course HIT 163, but is not on the Course Outcome Summary, nor on the course calendar.
Standard 27. Curriculum Evaluation. Course activities provided by the program did not contain sufficient detail to fully evaluate compliance with this Standard across the curriculum. A pattern of repeated use of the PPE for introduction of a competency is not considered best practice. PPE courses should be used for mastery of competencies that were introduced in a prior course. Additional detail required for full compliance.

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