West Virginia Northern Community College

Program Director: Deborah Kleeh , RHIT
Program Phone: (304) 214-8833
Program Email: dkleeh@wvncc.edu
Content Delivery: Campus Based, Online
Program Level: Associate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report in process
Current Accreditation Award: Continuing
Last Accreditation Date: 11/29/2023
Next Review Cycle: 2030-2031

Accreditation Actions

August 2024 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation.
November 2023 Accreditation Action: Grant seven years of Continuing Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following 2018 Standards:
The following Standards are Partially Met:
Standard 10. Faculty. The program is in the process of hiring a second full-time faculty member but does not currently employ the second full-time faculty member.
Standard 11. Faculty Qualifications. The program is still in the process of hiring a second full-time faculty member.
Standard 12. Faculty Performance. The program does not have two full-time faculty members.
Standard 14. Professional Development. The program is still in the process of hiring a second full-time faculty member.

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