Metropolitan Community College - Penn Valley

3444 Broadway
Health Science Institute
Kansas City, MO, 64111

Program Director: Matthew Patterson , RHIA, CPC, CIC
Program Phone: (816) 604-4903
Program Email:
Content Delivery: Campus Based, Online
Program Level: Associate
Enrollment Status: Active
Progress Report: Progress Report satisfactory and completed
Current Accreditation Award: Continuing
Last Accreditation Date: 05/08/2020
Next Review Cycle: 2027-2028

Accreditation Actions

December 2020 Accreditation Action: Accept the Progress Report.
Rationale: The program is compliant with all Standards.
Accreditation Award: Continuing Accreditation.
May 2020 Accreditation Action: Grant seven years of Continuing Accreditation with a Progress Report. The program remains non-compliant with the following Standards:
The following Standards are Partially Met:
Standard 4. Program Goals. The goals need to be reduced and need to be attainable.
The Community of Interest goal is unclear. The fall symposium was held in 2017. It is not clear what the student appreciation meetings are and how that is a community of interest.
Faculty – The faculty goal for continuing education needs to be more specific in regards to how many sessions attended at the end of the semester and who’s in charge of the budget. The faculty goal with the IDP states that it is to be completed annually, yet also states it is completed every two years after the first five years. Describe and clarify the reference to annual review.
Curriculum – Describe how the coding classes relate to the curriculum development for the revenue cycle management track.
Students – HIM is not a clinical field, yet the target outcome states that student will demonstrate clinical skills. The analysis needs to include tracking student progress and use of student advisement and tutoring.
Graduates – 50% of grads will take the RHIT could be revised to state “To increase the number of students sitting for the RHIT exam to 90% of program completers.” For employability it is suggested to include employability skills into a course.
Assessing employment is difficult once a student graduates.
Advisory Board – There are inconsistencies. The revenue cycle curriculum is not yet developed, so it is not clear how the results can be to review the updated curriculum. Additionally, it would be clearer to state that the Advisory Board reviews the curriculum to ensure it is responsive to employer needs.
Standard 5. Curriculum Goal. The curriculum goal result of “Evaluate students grades and passing rates of 75% or higher” is unclear. This program does not have curriculum goals that indicate results and actions taken in accordance with the results.
Standard 8. Community of Interest Goal. The community of interest goal does not meet the description or interpretation of the Standard.
Standard 24. The Curriculum. Only a small number of the assignments provided indicated which competency they were expected to address. Additionally, none indicated whether they were already implemented or were planned for future implementation. The following curriculum competencies remain Partially Met: I.A.4., I.B.3., I.B.4., I.E.1., II.B.3., IV.A.2., V.A.2., V.B.2., V.C.1., V.D.1., V.D.2., VI.A.3. The following competencies are Not Met: VI.F.3., VI.H.3.
Standard 26. Curriculum Syllabi and Competencies. The statement added to the syllabus partially addresses the concerns. The Student Handbook is needed to verify that the competencies are mapped for student reference.

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